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Route Changer 1.1.3

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You can't remove the forums route, but you can rename it with this addon.
My forum directory is actually named 'forum' for the last decade and therefore I would end up with /forum/forums/
This makes no sense, so I need to find some way to get rid of it. If anyone has a suggestion, then that would be welcome.
My forum directory is actually named 'forum' for the last decade and therefore I would end up with /forum/forums/
This makes no sense, so I need to find some way to get rid of it. If anyone has a suggestion, then that would be welcome.

Change the directory on the server or change the route with this addon.
Change the directory on the server or change the route with this addon.
Changing the directory to one above will cause conflict with the .htaccess of the software in that directory and it has many files that have the same name as XenForo files.
I will need to have a hack created for this.
I think I'm doing something wrong with this addon.

Here's the issue: At the moment the domain goes directly to the News part (XenPorta) using the index controller from there, however after using Route Changer the domain goes to the forum and ignores the index controller, which is understandable.

The second issue is with MicroCart - changing it to /store instead of /micro-cart gives a 503, that's nothing to do with your addon but, according to the MC developer, it should work so it's more likely to be the set up.

I would like to use this but the XenPorta part is annoying, any way around that?
I think I'm doing something wrong with this addon.

Here's the issue: At the moment the domain goes directly to the News part (XenPorta) using the index controller from there, however after using Route Changer the domain goes to the forum and ignores the index controller, which is understandable.

The second issue is with MicroCart - changing it to /store instead of /micro-cart gives a 503, that's nothing to do with your addon but, according to the MC developer, it should work so it's more likely to be the set up.

I would like to use this but the XenPorta part is annoying, any way around that?

There is a note about XenPorta compatibility on this page:

So you specified this route change?

micro-cart -> store

Is the 503 error a XenForo error page? Can you post the link?
There is a note about XenPorta compatibility on this page:

So you specified this route change?

micro-cart -> store

Is the 503 error a XenForo error page? Can you post the link?

Hi Jake,

Thank you - I should really learn to read!

Also the micro-cart -> store issue was easily resolved by me actually checking to see if the physical directory existed, which it did and the .htaccess was the cause, again - I should check that sort of thing.

Thank you for the reply, appreciate it!

Would you mind (if you have time) taking a quick look at my forum to see it all works correctly for you? The micro-cart area is disabled for all but admins but the rest appears to work.
I wanna make sure I have this straight before installing this.

The problem I have now that I want to fix has to do with XenPorta. I have my forum installed in a sub directory, /forum. With XenPorta, it makes my forum's link turn to, /forum/forum

Is it possible with this to make XenPorta Portal my index, while changing /forum/forum back to just /forum?

Sadly not.

Best thing to do is to move your entire installation into the root directory. Then have XenPorta as the Index and that will put your forum in /forum without the need for a sub directory.

Sadly not.

Best thing to do is to move your entire installation into the root directory. Then have XenPorta as the Index and that will put your forum in /forum without the need for a sub directory.

won't that screw up SEO? I'm not too big into that, but it sounds like it would
Your threads URLs, for example, would no longer be /forum/threads but just /threads/.

And no, not really. There'd be a period of readjustment while Google reindexes you etc.

@Brogan pretty much did the very same thing recently.
won't that screw up SEO? I'm not too big into that, but it sounds like it would
I've switched twice since being on XF and never had a drop in traffic. Went from /forum to root and then about a year later went back to /forum.

Just make sure that you have correct redirects setup.
I installed rc1. I use xenporta and routechanger. If i uses the old settings in routechanger, i cant get to the forum index.

I did this..


If i disable routechanger, it works. (almost) when i go to my url its opening the forumindex and not portal. Any clou what im doing wrong?
I would uninstall Route Changer.
Disable the route change function in Xen Porta and then use the new Route Filters in XF 1.2.

If you can't get THAT working then post in the relevant support forum as a new thread.

Note: There's nothing wrong with the Route Changer add-on per sé and Jake was an absolute life safer by releasing it kindly to us, but the new functionality in 1.2 should supersede any previous methods or changing routes.
When set forums->f. When i access my forum like this: it redirect to . How do i prevent this ?

Are you running XenForo 1.2? If so then you should uninstall this addon and use route filters instead:

/forums is actually the default index page in XenForo 1.2. That might have something to do with it:

Admin CP -> Home -> Basic Board Information -> Index Page Route

But this addon is not made for XenForo 1.2.
Can this work with any routes, like lets say I have a custom URL called /mobile can I redirect this to a specific thread? - Cause it doesnt seem to work when I try....
Can this work with any routes, like lets say I have a custom URL called /mobile can I redirect this to a specific thread? - Cause it doesnt seem to work when I try....

This addon can't do that.

You can setup such a redirect with a rewrite rule in your .htaccess file. Example:

RewriteRule ^mobile/?$ /threads/title-here.2500/ [R=301,L]
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