
I was looking my google search console, I found there are more than 1.5 excluded urls :|
all of them affected by
Disallow: /posts/

Last crawl
Sep 25, 2018, 8:47:32 AM
Crawl allowed?No: blocked by robots.txt
Page fetch
Failed: Blocked by robots.txt

Whats your opinion?

Should I delete that line from robot.txt ?
Twitter is not showing meta images on my links.
The error says
what should I do


INFO: Page fetched successfully
INFO: 18 metatags were found
INFO: twitter:card = summary tag found
INFO: Card loaded successfully
WARN: The image URL specified by the 'twitter:image' metatag may be restricted by the site's robots.txt file, which will prevent Twitter from fetching it.


User-agent: *
Allow: /

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google*

User-agent: *
Disallow: /forum/find-new/
Disallow: /forum/account/
Disallow: /forum/attachments/
Disallow: /forum/goto/
Disallow: /forum/register/
Disallow: /forum/posts/
Disallow: /forum/login/
Disallow: /forum/admin.php
Disallow: /forum/ajax/
Disallow: /forum/misc/contact/
Disallow: /forum/data/
Disallow: /forum/conversations/
Disallow: /forum/events/birthdays/
Disallow: /forum/events/monthly/
Disallow: /forum/events/weekly/
Disallow: /forum/find-new/
Disallow: /forum/help/
Disallow: /forum/internal_data/
Disallow: /forum/js/
Disallow: /forum/library/
Disallow: /forum/search/
Disallow: /forum/styles/
Disallow: /forum/login/
Disallow: /forum/lost-password/
Disallow: /forum/online/
Allow: /
Would one disallow their off topic forum? Pros? Cons?
No, I just noindex the forums (in the forum settings) I don’t want crawled and indexed. Robots.txt disallow doesn’t necessarily stop indexing.
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