Not a bug RM: Information Shows Category not Author


Well-known member
I just noticed that the first resource added states Category under Information rather than "Author." LPH is the author of the resource and not a category. :p

Screen Shot 2013-03-26 at 5.21.06 PM.webp

Is this a setting error on my part?
Just in case more information is needed.

Installed RM this morning while site still under XF 1.1.3. Next, updated to XF 1.1.4 this evening.
Have you edited any phrases, particularly one called "author"?

Well, I went to the phrase and it had been changed. This may have been from changes made last year for the Library add-on. Reverted phrase and it now says "author" as it should.

FWIW, the "Authors" phrase states XenForo Resource Manager in description. Author does not.

Thank you for the help!
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