XF 1.4 Retina Smiles


I want to set smiles for retina-displays on my board. How can I do it?

It should look like this:
Скриншот 2015-01-04 23.53.40.webp

A smaller version of these smiles on board look:
Скриншот 2015-01-04 23.54.45.webp
Images for retina-displays should be in 2x bigger, but I can't resize them in settings:
Скриншот 2015-01-05 00.08.18.webp
What can I do?
It's not really clear what you are trying to do.

If you are trying to use large images and then resize them smaller, that would require custom development, or, if they are all identically sized, it might be possible with CSS.
Yeah what you'd have to do, as far as I know, is either via CSS or via an add-on add two more inputs for the background size at 2x or even 2 more inputs for @3x.

You'd need to generate the smilie background positions for each smilie and no this would not work with the default xenforo smilies because as far as I know they were draw at 1x.

Here is a nice tutorial: http://www.andreasnorman.com/how-to-easily-create-image-sprites-for-retina-displays/
Yeah what you'd have to do, as far as I know, is either via CSS or via an add-on add two more inputs for the background size at 2x or even 2 more inputs for @3x.

You'd need to generate the smilie background positions for each smilie and no this would not work with the default xenforo smilies because as far as I know they were draw at 1x.

Here is a nice tutorial: http://www.andreasnorman.com/how-to-easily-create-image-sprites-for-retina-displays/
Thanks for the link. Another thing Xenforo is using CSS making all smilies 18px. This will blur any other size. That tutorial had me hopeful of making retina smilies but then we'd need CSS to set a background. :(
First, I would contact @Shelley (the creator of all original XenForo smilies) and ask her if she could export her smilies to an image file with x2 and x3 dimensions.

Should not be too complicated for her, if she still has the original Photoshop or Acrobat master file.
Looks like XenForo owns the master file for the standard smileys. So Mike and Kier can decide if they would like retina resolution. Maybe this will be included in XF2.

Regarding the extended smileys, we will see if Shelley changes her mind once the standard smilies will be available in retina resolution. ;-)
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