Here is a couple suggestions.
I like your social buttons, but I think it is too tacky to run them half way
across the screen, and there is no other option, you either you use them,
or do not use them, and have to uncheck them off to shorten the bar.
i think you should use the approach of AddThis...I want to use all the
social icons, but now have them all appear; The ones that should appear
first should be the most popular ones, then have an arrow or something
to open up the remain social icons like addthis does...this way you can
use them all, but they do not all appear unless you click for more options.
now that you have horizontal work out in the threads. I would like to see
- a global vertical bar on the home page (once again, same
- principle as addthis. Would need to be able to shift the veri
- icons from left to right, or right to left easily, and option
- to enable or disable any social set, vertical or horz...
So far so good.