Responsive layout (work in progress)

Style is ready, but website isn't ready yet. It should be ready later this week.

Style will be available in several color variations, all were created with ColorizeIt script. Styles demo (custom add-on, I might release it later) is live, you can preview style and several premade color schemes here:

I'm looking for suggestions for other color schemes that can be created by changing hue component (also saturation and lightness, but only a little bit) of blue and red colors.
Style is ready, but website isn't ready yet. It should be ready later this week.

Style will be available in several color variations, all were created with ColorizeIt script. Styles demo (custom add-on, I might release it later) is live, you can preview style and several premade color schemes here:
I'm looking for suggestions for other color schemes that can be created by changing hue component (also saturation and lightness, but only a little bit) of blue and red colors.

A coffee/cafe brown, beiges range of colours if that makes sense?
I think so. How about this?

View attachment 34562

Yeah, but make the colours a little richer, throw some rich dark reds in there to break the browns. Looking good though but the brown is a little flat, again if that makes sense to you it's not very eye catching (referring to the colour) excellent style Arty but getting those colours complementing each other will make your good style into a truly excellent visually appealing style.
How many has he modified template?
You use a framework ?
buy the style he gives all the colors right?
What will it cost?
Yeah, but make the colours a little richer, throw some rich dark reds in there to break the browns. Looking good though but the brown is a little flat, again if that makes sense to you it's not very eye catching (referring to the colour) excellent style Arty but getting those colours complementing each other will make your good style into a truly excellent visually appealing style.
Unfortunately that's not possible because it requires major changes to lightness component. Drastic changes would make gradients look horrible. I'll probably release later additional pack with different color variations (made by editing source psd files, not by messing with color scheme of default style) that can be used to create more color schemes like one you proposed. Thanks for great suggestion.

How many has he modified template?
You use a framework ?
buy the style he gives all the colors right?
What will it cost?
Modified templates: 64 (16 are .html templates, 48 are .css templates).
Modified or added properties: 164 (I have added a lot of new properties)

Extra.css is not modified, you can safely use it to customize style without editing other templates. I recommend creating child style before customizing it to prevent accidentally overwriting something important during update.

No, I don't use any framework.

Color variations are created using my online color editing script: (haven't posted that style there yet)

Cost: I'm not sure yet.
Hopefully this isn't taken the wrong a stand alone product, I'm not sure this is something I'd purchase. As an add on to the basic xenforo style, I'd probably be willing to pay whatever you wanted to charge and more. While your style looks pretty good, most people are going to have to modify their current CSS to fit a new style and spend hours to make their site look exactly like it already does. Who wants to do that?

That said, it is INSANE how popular responsive design has become just in the last couple of months. I haven't even had time to look at my xenforo site because my phone is ringing off the hook with clients that want responsive designs. Heck I had someone call me up last week saying, "hey, heard about this Twitter Bootstrap on the Today show, can you do that?". I wish I had the time for this, because a responsive layout add on is a sure fire money maker. With regards to responsive layouts, the future is now and it's here to stay.

I do have one question though....has this been tested out with xenporta? The mobile style is rather quirky with regards to which blocks it wants to display.
Agree with what scottglax said 100%. I think I already mentioned this earlier that an addon would have more use.
I can't imagine myself spending any more time on getting another style, changing it so it eventually looking like my current Flexile style. I already spent way too much time on it to get it the way I want.
Given the amount of work and templates involved, it will be a huge undertask for anyone, let alone people not comfortable with editing templates directly.

I"m not even sure if addon is possible and the huge task to support them given how many templates are changed.
Are you just using a CMS like WordPress and just bridging it? I've got a wordpress build on my site but I really want the site to be 100% xenforo.
That is exactly what I am doing. I have Wordpress. I love Wordpress and the portals here just don't cut my specific needs unfortunately. They seem like great products, but not what I want. The bridge appears to be good.
Agree with what scottglax said 100%. I think I already mentioned this earlier that an addon would have more use.
I can't imagine myself spending any more time on getting another style, changing it so it eventually looking like my current Flexile style. I already spent way too much time on it to get it the way I want.
Given the amount of work and templates involved, it will be a huge undertask for anyone, let alone people not comfortable with editing templates directly.

I"m not even sure if addon is possible and the huge task to support them given how many templates are changed.
You've got to think that this was possibly part of the hold up with releasing xenforo v1.2. Gotta think they maybe scrapped a mobile version and decided to go responsive instead. I would think as long as the basic templates are responsive, anyone can then just skin it.
I was mentioning exactly that a few days ago to someone about whether the mobile style that planned with 1.2 was a separate style or responsive design. If the latter, it is a lot of work to rewrite template. It may/may not contribute to the delay.
As a site owner, I rather work with/update one single style than to have to worry about 2 separate styles.
Style is ready, but website isn't ready yet. It should be ready later this week.

Style will be available in several color variations, all were created with ColorizeIt script. Styles demo (custom add-on, I might release it later) is live, you can preview style and several premade color schemes here:
I'm looking for suggestions for other color schemes that can be created by changing hue component (also saturation and lightness, but only a little bit) of blue and red colors.


What other color schemes? Well I need black and white. I would take your blue / red default and keep the blue links but the header would be black. I'd pretty much try to get the rest of it to match my current theme.
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