Responsive Design for XenForo 1.1 [Paid] [Deleted]

Yes. Admin control panel -> styles -> style properties -> responsive design -> show latest post in forums list
hi Arty,
responsiveExtraAlerts can not be clicked on Android devices. Could you please check it?
Thank you.
It might. Add this after that code
@media only screen and (max-width: 700px), only screen and (max-device-width: 700px) {
.node .forum.level_2,
.node .page.level_2,
.node .category_forum.level_2 {
width: auto;
float: none;
min-height: 0;
(note 2 } at the end - it is not a typo)
Add to responsive_extra.css
.responsiveSidebarToggle, .hasJs.responsiveSidebarToggle, .responsiveSidebarToggle a { display: none !important; }
Few presale questions:

1. What if I have a static header size of 1000px, and max-width set to 1000px with an auto margin on each side, will the header image shrink to accommodate sizes under 1000px or will it just disappear?
2. How does it work with ads (AdSense - 468px) if the screen size gets to lower that amount – is the add removed or shrunk?
3. Is there a way for users to specify something like “full site” view when browsing on mobile device?

Thanks, Looking forward to installing this!
I have a problem when I navigate to the Home>Forums. Part of the Responsive design shows, but the list of the forums all are in normal format. I've sent started a conversation with you containing a login so that you can see what I am referring to. It's when you select the forums from the navigation menu.
1. If header is a simple image, it will scale.
2. Framed content can't be resized. See this thread:
3. You can create two styles, disable responsive design for one of those styles and add link to footer to that style

@Tracy Perry
Your style is full of CSS declarations with !important. It is very bad design, don't do that unless its necessary (which it isn't in those cases). Add this to responsive_extra.css
.navTabs .navTab.PopupClosed:hover { background-color: #f0eeea !important; }
.nodeList .categoryStrip { margin-right: 0 !important; }
1. If header is a simple image, it will scale.
2. Framed content can't be resized. See this thread:
3. You can create two styles, disable responsive design for one of those styles and add link to footer to that style

@Tracy Perry
Your style is full of CSS declarations with !important. It is very bad design, don't do that unless its necessary (which it isn't in those cases). Add this to responsive_extra.css
.navTabs .navTab.PopupClosed:hover { background-color: #f0eeea !important; }
.nodeList .categoryStrip { margin-right: 0 !important; }
Since I only offer one theme I'll have to figure something else out. Weird thing is it only effects that one display. The additional code worked fine... now time to filter through the !importants (at one time they were the only things that worked) and take out the ones I no longer need.
Do you remember what the framed content was... only thing I can think of is the google adsense add-on and I modified the templates for it.
The user profile is broken in mobile style after 1.1.5 upgrade. Could you please suggest a fix asap? Thanks.
Little iPad problem. Look at the screenshot


As you can see the top leftmost menu (Inbox, etc) is overlayed on the second row of the menu and it's not visible at all. Any suggestion on how to fix it?

I've added some menues in the menu bar so maybe there's no place for that menu. If you have any suggestion on how to place that menues I'll appreciate...
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