Responsive Design for XenForo 1.1 [Paid] [Deleted]

You need to change right margin for it. Go to style properties -> responsive design: message layout -> new indicator (outer) -> set right margin to -5px
Thanks for the "responsive" turnaround ;)
I haven't followed but is there any new changes/improvements to the addon lately?
Not sure if this has been pointed out already or not.. But it seems notices are removed on mobile devices.. Not sure if its a bug or it just cant be worked in but thought id mention it in case notices where overlooked.
I can add it as option for next version, so if you really need to you could quickly enable notices.
I have a problem where the top menu breadcrumb background is not fully spanned while the bottom is.

2012-11-19 12.48.05.webp

2012-11-19 12.44.00.webp
Hi guys - any news on the YouTube embedding? I use quite a lot of videos on my forum and every time a video is added it breaks the layout, which is about every page :(
I have a problem where the top menu breadcrumb background is not fully spanned while the bottom is.
Try adding this to responsive_extra.css
.mainContent { padding: 0 10px !important; }
Hi guys - any news on the YouTube embedding? I use quite a lot of videos on my forum and every time a video is added it breaks the layout, which is about every page :(
Unfortunately no. It uses iframe, just like ads or any other external content and its impossible to tell what's in that iframe.
Hi guys - just noticed an IE-wide bug on this add-on (happens in IE9, as well as on IE Mobile for Windows Phone). The forum displays, but clicking on a thread gives a 404 not found.

I saw you had a similar issue with the theme Soft Responsive, which was around the javascript style.js. Did you make the same change to the add-on?
Arty updated Responsive Design with a new update entry:

Responsive design add-on update

Version 1.0 is now available.

Add-on is no longer marked as beta. All major bugs should be fixed now.

Changes from beta:
  • Many bug fixes
  • Experimental support for scaling down youtube videos and other embedded content. Also add-on should automatically hide most ads. To prevent your ads from being hidden in responsive design add class "baseHtml" to its parent element.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi guys - just noticed an IE-wide bug on this add-on (happens in IE9, as well as on IE Mobile for Windows Phone). The forum displays, but clicking on a thread gives a 404 not found.

I saw you had a similar issue with the theme Soft Responsive, which was around the javascript style.js. Did you make the same change to the add-on?
Fixed in latest update.
Arty updated Responsive Design with a new update entry:
Experimental support for scaling down youtube videos and other embedded content.
The experimental support doesn't seem to work. I wrap my youtube media code inside a <div class="video-container"> and add the following to responsive_extra.css and it works. After I upgraded to the latest version, I remove them and the youtube does not seem to scale down. Would love to use your addon to take care of this as I have other media bbcode and I don't want to touch them.
.video-container {
position: relative;
padding-bottom: 56.25%;
padding-top: 30px;
height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
.video-container iframe,  
.video-container object,  
.video-container embed {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
Hey Arty,

When I update, will the template changes that I made still be there? Or should I back them up?

If you have applied them to master style, changes will be lost. You should apply changes to whatever style you are using and keep all custom css code in responsive_extra.css
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