i am creating a add on to count resource view for that i have create addon from
ACP also create a folder in library (view counter) in this i put Listener.php and also create a template for views but i want to put the output of this template in resource_list_item template
in following code
<div class="listBlock resourceStats">
<div class="listBlockInner">
<xen:include template="rating">
<xen:set var="$rating">{$resource.rating_avg}</xen:set>
<xen:set var="$hint">{xen:if '{$resource.rating_count} == 1', {xen
hrase 1_vote}, {xen
hrase x_votes_plural, 'count={$resource.rating_count}'}}</xen:set>
<div class="pairsJustified">
<xen:if is="!{$resource.is_fileless}"><dl><dt>{xen
hrase downloads}:</dt> <dd>{xen:number $resource.download_count}</dd></dl></xen:if>
hrase updated}:</dt> <dd><a href="{xen:link resources/updates, $resource}" class="concealed"><xen:datetime time="{$resource.last_update}" /></a></dd></dl>
to put its output in this template its hook is require....how i will find hook and what code i have to put in Listener.php