Implemented Resource profile tab


Well-known member
Random thought: why not have a tab on users' profiles containing resources they submitted? Might be more intuitive than searching the resource manager for a specific user's submissions, but might be a lousy idea too. Just throwing it out there.

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Just in case you weren't aware, there is a link on the member card.

True Brogan and useful to know.
Actually I think as well as a tab there should be a link in the Profile left sidebar,in the userbit (the info under the medium avatar shown by posts) That would make a member's Resources very accessible and would be particularly appropriate on this site.
True Brogan and useful to know.
Actually I think as well as a tab there should be a link in the Profile left sidebar,in the userbit (the info under the medium avatar shown by posts) That would make a member's Resources very accessible and would be particularly appropriate on this site.
That's been there for some time as well. :)
Just in case you weren't aware, there is a link on the member card.
I hadn't noticed actually, cheers. Still think it'd be much easier to find if it were actually on the profile too though.

The thing is, both these links link to a second page rather than being on the profile page itself, and are kinda tucked away. Using a profile tab, user wouldn't have to switch to a new page just to view someone's resources, and might be able to more easily find them if they overlook those other two links, like I did.
Oh, I thought that the message user info was a separate suggestion from the profile (page) part.

I agree I wasn't quite clear. I was working it out as I wrote the message.

But it seems cool to have "Resources" under your status - then wherever you are people can access your goodies.
When Brogan mentions one of his tutorials or Jake his addons I just click under their name.
This would also unclutter signatures a lot.

Having it on the Membercard is good too. Plus it would be in the expected place under the avatar, on the profile page.
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