Resource Manager as a CMS?


Well-known member
I'm looking at the Xenforo Resource Manager. Can the Xenforo Resource Manager be used as a create a front-end/Home Page/Discovery Page for an internet forum...or is the Resource Manager strictly for other purposes?

I went to the pricing page...then clicked on the "Learn more..." link...then clicked on the "See an example" link.

The "See an example" link seems to send the visitor to the Xenforo "Resources" page...and what I'm seeing doesn't look like what I was expecting if the Resource Manager was used to create what I mentioned above.

Thus my verify if the Xenforo Resource Manager could be used as a CMS?

  • If no...totally ok.
  • If yes...could I be pointed to a site that uses the Resource Manager as I described above?

Except "no" isn't an incorrect answer imho. There are entire sections of the resources here on which are articles. Even Bob's AMS, one of the popular article addons, is extremely similar to the Resource Manager in terms of layout, features and even the database. The biggest thing missing but not an issue for most sites is the Resource Manager doesn't support multi-page articles.
If one was being picky then a forum is a CMS.

Any system which uses a database to store the content and a user interface to easily create and display said content without having to understand code fits that.

However, what the OP is likely asking for (and what most people mean by CMS) is some sort of all in one landing page (home page, portal, etc.) which can be easily configured with widgets, articles, links, etc.

That is actually possible with XF - some of it using the built in features, with more creative options possible with some template editing - but it still likely doesn't meet the exact criteria of what is being requested.
However, what the OP is likely asking for (and what most people mean by CMS) is some sort of all in one landing page (home page, portal, etc.) which can be easily configured with widgets, articles, links, etc.

Thanks Brogan...what you stated & how you stated it is exactly what I'm looking for...and wish I had phrased things as eloquently as you did!

Home run...outta the park!:)

I am looking for something like this as well. However, after months of researching, editing templates just won't work for my needs. I need a system where I can use XF for "blog post" discussions instead of using the CMS discussions. So, I may need to resort to using Wordpress as the CMS/Portal and linking to the XF Forum.

I am about to start looking for WP/XF integration methods myself. It would be nice to have a frontend/portal option for XF to at least allow for editable homepage landings.
If you want to purchase the RM, log in to your customer account and click on the 'Purchase extras & services' button.

Then you can select the item.
The Xenforo Resource Manager is primarily designed for managing resources (such as add-ons, themes, or plugins) for an internet forum, and it may not be the best tool for creating a front-end or home page. While it is possible to use the Resource Manager to showcase resources or featured content, it may not provide the full functionality of a traditional CMS.

That being said, Xenforo does offer a separate add-on called XenPorta that can be used to create a portal or front-end for an internet forum. This add-on allows users to create custom pages with a variety of content types, including articles, blog posts, and more. Additionally, there are other third-party add-ons available that can enhance the functionality of Xenforo as a CMS.

As for examples of sites that use the Xenforo Resource Manager as a CMS, it may be challenging to find an exact match as most sites that use Xenforo primarily focus on their forum functionality. However, some sites that use XenPorta to create custom pages include The Admin Zone and AVForums.
That being said, Xenforo does offer a separate add-on called XenPorta that can be used to create a portal or front-end for an internet forum. This add-on allows users to create custom pages with a variety of content types, including articles, blog posts, and more.
Xenporta is a third party add-on, not from Xenforo. Developer is @Jaxel.
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