Remove Signature

Remove Signature 1.2

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Well-known member
AndyB submitted a new resource:

Remove Signature - Removes the signature below the message.


Removes the signature below the message. Signatures can still be edited and viewed in the members profile page.

Modifies the code in the following template:
  • message

This add-on works with XenForo v1.2x and above.

  1. Download and unzip it.
  2. From your Admin Control Panel, go to the "Install Add-on" page. Upload the addon-RemoveSignature.xml file and click the Install Add-on...

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Why would you do this when you could just remove the existing signatures and set the user permissions accordingly so the signatures can't be changed?
Why would you do this when you could just remove the existing signatures and set the user permissions accordingly so the signatures can't be changed?

I want members to be able to edit their signatures and be able to view each others signatures in their profile page. This add-on simply removes the signature from being displayed below each message. It leaves all other signature functionality in place.
@AndyB - Not working on the latest version (1.5.8), the template modificate "RemoveSignature_message" doesn't run - just needs a quick update.
I just installed this and now signatures are completely gone from everywhere not only in inbox messages but on forum threads also i can not see :(
can you make a version where a member has an option in their user cp to view or not view signatures? That way ppl annoyed by them can turn them off, and people who like them can enjoy them. I like to give my members options on these sorts of things.
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