Remove Points From Sidebar Visitor Panel

ahhh....well without access to someones board who uses this I cant test it, (not trying to be shyster or anything, but now a days I am broke and can't just buy an addon to test it for someone and possibly find that it is not the problem.)

If you can find me a board owner who will let me poke around I am sure I can fix it.
I think the hook in Post Ratings has to be changed so that it doesn't use the Trophy Points position.

I'll ask Luke Foreman (Post Ratings Author).


Starting at around Line 110

else if ($hookName == 'sidebar_visitor_panel_stats'){
$options = XenForo_Application::get('options');
$params = $template->getParams();
$params += $hookParams;
$params['user'] = $params['visitor'];
$content_totals = $template->create('dark_postrating_visitor_panel', $params);
// Hide Likes received if being shown as ratings
$likesReceived = (string)new XenForo_Phrase('likes');
$content = preg_replace('#(<dl.*?><dt>'.$likesReceived.':</dt>\s*<dd>.*?</dd></dl>)#', '', $content);
if($hookName == 'member_view_info_block')
$content .= $content_totals;   
else {
$trophyPoints = (string)new XenForo_Phrase('points');
$content = preg_replace('#(<dl.*?><dt>'.$trophyPoints.')#', $content_totals . '$1', $content, 1);
what is in

i bet you could work it from there

<xen:require css="dark_postrating.css" />
<dl class="pairsJustified">
<dt>{xen:phrase dark_ratings}:</dt>
    <dd><xen:if is="{$postrating_enabled_ratings.positive}"><span class="dark_postrating_positive">{$postrating_ratings_total.positive}</span><xen:if is="{$postrating_enabled_ratings.neutral} || {$postrating_enabled_ratings.negative}">/</xen:if></xen:if><xen:if is="{$postrating_enabled_ratings.neutral}"><span class="dark_postrating_neutral">{$postrating_ratings_total.neutral}</span><xen:if is="{$postrating_enabled_ratings.negative}">/</xen:if></xen:if><xen:if is="{$postrating_enabled_ratings.negative}"><span class="dark_postrating_negative">{$postrating_ratings_total.negative}</span></xen:if></dd></dl>

I can get the trophy part to be removed, have Ratings shown... but no numbers.
<xen:require css="dark_postrating.css" />
<dl class="pairsJustified">
<dt>{xen:phrase dark_ratings}:</dt>
    <dd><xen:if is="{$postrating_enabled_ratings.positive}"><span class="dark_postrating_positive">{$postrating_ratings_total.positive}</span><xen:if is="{$postrating_enabled_ratings.neutral} || {$postrating_enabled_ratings.negative}">/</xen:if></xen:if><xen:if is="{$postrating_enabled_ratings.neutral}"><span class="dark_postrating_neutral">{$postrating_ratings_total.neutral}</span><xen:if is="{$postrating_enabled_ratings.negative}">/</xen:if></xen:if><xen:if is="{$postrating_enabled_ratings.negative}"><span class="dark_postrating_negative">{$postrating_ratings_total.negative}</span></xen:if></dd></dl>

I can get the trophy part to be removed, have Ratings shown... but no numbers.

Is that the whole of the template there ?
Nothing is jumping out at me as the immediate answer, but I have a hunch not that I know how to explain it...I would really need hands on or I am going to have you doing and undoing a bunch of stuff until I get it...if you have a testboard with it installed I can try for you otherwise I dont want to suggest something that wont work especially for others who may be following along.
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