XF 1.3 Redirect old vB 4.2.2 links to XF 1.3.0 links

Is 935 the ID on the old forum? It seems strange for a thread to jump from ID 935 to 230924 (if anything, they'd normally go down).

If not, then I don't see any way of detecting the mapping automatically.
Given the drastic increase in id number I assume this was an import into an already-populated XF forum?

Redirects are possible if there is an id map. The built-in vB importer generates a map. We just need to know the name of the table in the database. Then instructions would be as follows...

Add these rules to the top of the .htaccess file in your web root (which should be XF's .htaccess file):

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^[^/]+/([0-9]+)-[^\.]+\.html$ /showthread.php?t=$1 [R=301,L]

Then upload these redirect scripts to your web root:


You will need to edit the 301config.php file to specify the name of the import_log table in the database which contains the id map.
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