XF 1.5 Redirect issue


Well-known member
Our Xenforo forum was originally a Vb3.x forum. This is what's happening:

This works:
How to replace upper intake manifold gaskets

This doesn't:
Ford Explorer and Ford Ranger Forums - Serious Explorations

The 2nd one can be modified to this and it works:
How to fit a K&N Filter kit SOHC

We installed the redirect scripts, but for some reason the threadid links do not convert. What is the fix for this?
The unfortunate reality is the redirect addon does not cover all possible vb url formats. The solution requires custom .htaccess rules to be added which depending on the format either internally or externally rewrite the URL to the format the addon can handle. Which rules it requires depends on the vb url style used (standard urls in your case).

The amount of work is involved depends on how much coverage you need for unsupported formats. Is it just threads and forums, or are images, member profiles, etc also needed? There's a high likelihood if you go into Google Search Console/Webmaster Tools you'll see formats other than the one you listed also returning 404 pages.
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