Pre-Sale Questions.
1. Possible to give Credits for Registration
2. Will you eventaully add a "credits tab" beside the "alerts" tab?
This next one is a big one but it all works together.
3. Is it possible to set up your own fake currency. For example. I want to make my own "kitty cat dollars" so every time a member gets a "like" he will recieve 1000 kitty cat dollars. So after 4 "likes" he would have earned 4000 kitty cat dollars. So my next question is...
4. Possible to withdrawl your credits? (with a minimum limit and max limit So since the user has 4000 kitty cat dollars he can click "withdrawl" and the admin will recieve a message in the admin/moderator panel saying "pending withdrawl" Then when the admin sees this message. The admin will manually pay the member 4000 kitty cat dollars via paypal or whatever pay website he uses. which brings me to my next question..
5. While in the "withdrawl your credits" screen. Is there a conversion rate screen(which the admin can setup in the admin panel) The member will be able to see the conversion rate.
How many credits do you want to withdrawl? (+) (-)
He Picks: 4000 Kitty Cat Dollars
He will see underneath: You will recieve 4 dollars USD
withdraw screen
So after he presses withdrawl. The admin will see a "Pending Withdrawl" for 4dollars USD
Pending withdrawl admin screen
This is an example where the admin has setup the conversion rate in the admin panel as: 1000 Kitty Cat Dollars = 1 Dollar USD
exchange admin screen
I thought always thought this feature was great. You can use it to give people fake currency after they withdraw it, or real money(if you're rich)
6. Is it possible to buy Credits? from paypal or any other paysite you add in the admin panel using my fake kitty cat dollars and conversion rate?
For example:
Member clicks on "Purchase Credits"
He sees a screen: How many credits do you want to purchase? (+) (-)
He picks: 4000 kitty cat dollars
Underneath he sees: It will cost you 4 USD
Media Gallery
7. Is it possible to Give Credits everytime someone views an image. (either videos or images)
8. Possible to give credits or take credits from users who download media?
9. Possible to give credits or take credits from users who view full size media?
10. Will you be making a shop for your credits add-on?
Resource Manager.
I don't often use the Resource Manager so i got no questions for this!
Those are some of the main ones that i like to use/would like to use!
Here is some more unimportant questions
Future Additions for the Media Gallery
Here's some suggestions for the future. Maybe some other members would think its cool and fun.
It would be cool if in the avatar area you could show some extra options or add extra options.
Credits Rank - This ranks the member based on the Highest Earner in the whole forum (including past credits earned)
Current Credits - This is the current credits the member has
Forum Credits - This is the % of credits the member has in the forum
Past Credits - This keep a total of all the credits a member had. Even after withdrawl
If you don't have some of those features i inquired about. I hope you consider them in the future.
I tested out your credits add-on. It's pretty good! I hope you plan to keep developing.
It works great with the media gallery. Good luck!