Adam Howard
Well-known member
Error Info
Stack Trace
Request State
I'm fairly sure this is a hosting issue (time out issue). But could use a 3rd party to confirm this. Their host says no, someone else says, yes, I'm fairly sure as well....
But their host has them convinced all is well. So I figure if we can get someone else here to just confirm what we know....
Thanks in advance
(To be more clear, because I feel I wasn't clear enough... The argument is that this is a timeout between the host and ReCAPTCHA. The reason for it to be a hosting issue is it happens always, as the host seems to have blocked it)
Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Exception: Read timed out after 10 seconds - library/Zend/Http/Client/Adapter/Socket.php:512
Generated By: Unknown Account, Nov 9, 2013
#0 /home/www/public_html/library/Zend/Http/Client/Adapter/Socket.php(330): Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket->_checkSocketReadTimeout()
#1 /home/www/public_html/library/Zend/Http/Client.php(989): Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket->read()
#2 /home/www/public_html/library/Zend/Service/ReCaptcha.php(487): Zend_Http_Client->request('POST')
#3 /home/www/public_html/library/Zend/Service/ReCaptcha.php(502): Zend_Service_ReCaptcha->_post('03AHJ_Vutt_90E9...', 'rnmunnct vultHr...')
#4 /home/www/public_html/library/XenForo/Captcha/ReCaptcha.php(53): Zend_Service_ReCaptcha->verify('03AHJ_Vutt_90E9...', 'rnmunnct vultHr...')
#5 /home/www/public_html/library/XenForo/Captcha/Abstract.php(128): XenForo_Captcha_ReCaptcha->isValid(Array)
#6 /home/www/public_html/library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Register.php(171): XenForo_Captcha_Abstract::validateDefault(Object(XenForo_Input))
#7 /home/www/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(313): XenForo_ControllerPublic_Register->actionRegister()
#8 /home/www/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(132): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#9 /home/www/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#10 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(43) "/register/register"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(15) {
["username"] => string(8) "USER-NAME"
["email"] => string(16) "E-MAIL_ADDRESSS"
["password"] => string(8) "********"
["password_confirm"] => string(8) "********"
["dob_month"] => string(1) "7"
["dob_day"] => string(2) "24"
["dob_year"] => string(4) "1977"
["gender"] => string(4) "male"
["timezone"] => string(18) "America/Montevideo"
["recaptcha_response_field"] => string(16) "rnmunnct vultHru"
["recaptcha_challenge_field"] => string(185) "03AHJ_Vutt_90E9qFI4zpcYI9br-r09tBDFG6NshMWXXAVNQboqtz7lzxvOYWSG2Oc0-qHVshkeq-BCPnxm9QQNbVhdpMjn_fQlXoNkBuqnVWN5qwE7GVOHBU_HwesbvnXKtXSMTp4f9D_rizT_VDhol_yC7j3iEjkxPARTe50zD4KlQGcplQpdus"
["agree"] => string(1) "1"
["submit"] => string(7) "Sign Up"
["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
["reg_key"] => string(32) "2ccd2a510b372fbb2cc18e43ce491071"
I'm fairly sure this is a hosting issue (time out issue). But could use a 3rd party to confirm this. Their host says no, someone else says, yes, I'm fairly sure as well....
But their host has them convinced all is well. So I figure if we can get someone else here to just confirm what we know....
Thanks in advance
(To be more clear, because I feel I wasn't clear enough... The argument is that this is a timeout between the host and ReCAPTCHA. The reason for it to be a hosting issue is it happens always, as the host seems to have blocked it)
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