Reactions on mobile device

One of my users just said that this change happened some months ago, maybe when I updated to 2.3.
Earlier he claims he didn't get the "right click"-menu on long press, only the reactions menu.
Have you ever tried to select a reaction other than the default, “Like” on a device that doesn’t have “hover” ability (like a phone)? Try it. It’s always been so irritating I assume it’s going to be fixed at some point, but maybe I’m the only one that notices somehow?
It's no trouble on a older iPhone.
If I press a few milliseconds longer than necessary, a context menu pops up where my browser asks what to do with the Like link. Opera on Android. So I have to swipe down to close the menu and try again.

Maybe a solution to this would be to take the focus off the link or somehow interrupt this long press event using JS, so that the browser menu would not be triggered. If it is possible (I'm not a dev).
This is a problem for some of my members, who didn't even know there were options to use different reactions as it just says like. Which seems to be a bit weird given the button opens up (for those in the know) a whole menu of different reactions. So not very intuitive. (Solved with an addon)
I guess the alternative would be to change to a click to bring up the menu and another click to select the reaction.
Yes this is intuitive and people already know the xenForo button behaviour, e.g. with Watch button. One tap opens the menu, then you choose alerts with or without menu. So one button works one way, another works a different way. This would solve the long tap problems.
I now did a test on an old vm.
I tested with this thread, I do get the "right click"-menu over the reactions-menu.

But when I try my old backup of my xf2.2.15 forum I only get the reaction menu with longpress not the "right click"-menu.
As my users says something has changed, and it is not the browser.
Found another thread that probably is better for my problem:

Is there a solution/addon to fix this or single tap?
It's almost impossible to show the reactions popup when emulating a mobile device with dev tools. Single-tap replacing hover actions on mobile is such a well-established web pattern I can't fathom why it's not in use here.

Is there even a way to alter the behavior of JS with addons?
It's almost impossible to show the reactions popup when emulating a mobile device with dev tools. Single-tap replacing hover actions on mobile is such a well-established web pattern I can't fathom why it's not in use here.
Probably because it's mimicking the behavior as seen on social media apps (Facebook, etc.) where you long press for reactions other than like.

That said, as there are browser compatibility issues to overcome, it should just be changed to click to react menu/click the reaction. Or 1 click to like and a fast double click (like 200ms or something pause in between, if possible_ to bring the menu up.
it should just be changed to click to react menu/click the reaction
This would seem to be the most obvious and intuitive way. Everything else with a menu seems to be:
  • Click (or tap) to open menu
  • Click (or tap) to choose item from opened menu
This would seem to be the most obvious and intuitive way. Everything else with a menu seems to be:
Unless there's code to get around the annoying popup if held too long as I am used to long-press and react.

Maybe, until then, do the double tap and then create JS in an upgrade, when supported by browsers (again), to change it with something like:
<xf:js>longPress = 1;</xf:js>
In PAGE_CONTAINER or something to enable the long press again.
Just began having this issue on XF 2.2.16, but only on mobile (iPhone) at this point.
When touching the Like icon to trigger the popup reactions menu, it just registers the Like reaction, no popup menu for the other reaction choices.
It was fine until very recently.
Press-and-hold method does not do anything.

Please help Xenforo! My users are missing their reaction options. Thanks.
Posted in the other thread already that this is happening on our site. We are getting weekly reports from iPhone using members that they can not react. It's been months now. What is going on? Is a fix on the horizon? And could this be related to the inability to install the app on iphone?
Reactions should have always been a single tap to bring up the menu considering this is a web browser only app.

Literally no web apps use long press for standard interactions, so it's totally inconsistent with UI expectations of interacting with a link or button on the web.

If XF was a native app then fine...but it's not and never will be, so just make it a single tap to show the reaction menu.
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