Rate the default XF skin

Maybe a tweak or two, but overall I'm happy with this. Of course I would change the style and customized it but that's only to suit my needs for the site, not because I don't like this style. Otherwise I'd have no problem installing this on a new site and leaving the style as-is with the exception of maybe alternate colors and give users a choice to pick from them.
Nothing wrong with the style if you ask me. Anything I see I might change is just CSS, a darker color, or a tweak here or there about font size.
The buttons need some work. For example the "Post Reply" and "More Optioins..." buttons under this text box are fuzzy and not the most appealing.
Overall it looks fairly clean though which I like. As long as it's easy to customize it works for me.

I do think some new buttons would help though.
The only concern I have with the skin is readability. Because of the black-on-white topic/post layout, I can see some people complaining about it being too bright, or a bit too distracting.

Of course, this can be amended through the CSS, but I can't help but feel that if the white in the post backgrounds was replaced by an off-white, or even a very light blue, it would make it look a whole lot 'better'.
Eek, no .. the YUI buttons aren't my flavor really. the ones here saying post reply and such as refreshing and modern look. I like them.

Maybe it's my browser... but the buttons I'm seeing are small, fuzzy, and hard to read. That's not great UI in my mind.

I'm on Chrome using Windows 7.

BTW, for the second time in a row after I type a response in this box I hit the "Upload a File" button under the text box because it's right there. Just another little UI thing.
The only concern I have with the skin is readability. Because of the black-on-white topic/post layout, I can see some people complaining about it being too bright, or a bit too distracting.

Of course, this can be amended through the CSS, but I can't help but feel that if the white in the post backgrounds was replaced by an off-white, or even a very light blue, it would make it look a whole lot 'better'.

It's a very subtle difference, but they're not actually black or white. You can see the difference in the white against the quick reply box. It's one of those things that you don't notice until you see full white and black again.
I'm very impressed with it. It's been a long time since I've seen a default theme on forum software and it made my say wow. I'd say the most it would change are the colors to match my site but other than that it's good :)
It's certainly one of the more pleasing default skins that I've seen in a while. The layout is nice and the eye is drawn to the content which is very easy to read. There's also a good balance between content and white space. Other platforms would do well to take note of this, forums are for content, not large areas of white space. There's a few things that could be improved upon like the barely readable 'new' icon but in general the overall effect is very easy on the eye.

Personally I can't wait to dive into the template system and demolish it though! A good default skin is one thing but a usable template and styling system is a must have and I'm really looking forward to seeing something about those.
I like it. Granted there are some areas/imagery and layouts I have a minor grievance with but overall, I like it. It's sets up a good foundation to improve upon from the community feedback that the style will receive.
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