Random Thoughts...

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Worrying. It's not another one targeting a mosque is it? o_O

That's what my other half said too. Doesn't seem to be mosque-related though. The story is that a car was discovered parked outside a business full of petrol cans, so the police were called. Turns out it was a hoax. Two people were arrested and one of them said there was an explosive device in the car. Some people really are morons... my money's on them being drunk.

Did they allow it and then rescind it later?
Basically. It has been a roller coaster lmao.
Some people got it all done back when it was allowed, then suddenly all of that was null and void and now it's all valid again...

Funny how easily people's rights are taken away!
Honestly the number 1 thing I wanted from this was rights for my partner if I were to become too ill to make choices or even die. Hell my partner's work doesn't recognize domestic partnership so if she died or were injured I have no right to anything that the business would provide to a man if she were straight!

Good thing about cali *compared to other states* is they do recognize domestic partnerships... BUT it doesn't really mean diddly when you don't get all the rights involved with marriage.
Next task - have a fixed width membercard image and having it use a background-color and re-sizing at will when it hits responsive. #bestofbothworlds
Like a kid in the candy store.... I knew once 1.2 came out, you'd be tweaking it along.

I'm jumping from one part to the next not really staying focused on one thing. I decided thanks to @EQnoble suggestion and fighting on re-doing the draft icon in the editor. Myself and photoshop are currently duelling to the death, or atleast that is how it feels.

I'm jumping from one part to the next not really staying focused on one thing. I decided thanks to @EQnoble suggestion and fighting on re-doing the draft icon in the editor. Myself and photoshop are currently duelling to the death, or atleast that is how it feels.

View attachment 49998

Well... You could use the save icon from Microsoft Word. Not exactly the best looking, but universally recognized and understood.

* waits for @Shelley to kill me for even suggesting it *
Well... You could use the save icon from Microsoft Word. Not exactly the best looking, but universally recognized and understood.

Nah I original designed a diskette (standalone image) if that's what your referring to so I don't think i'll be reverting back to that design.
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