Rahstyles.net - Your Vip Source For Off Topic Discussions!

Like I said I link my site straight to the forums. ... the reason why I dont get rid of it .. is because I cant find sombody to make me a cool splash page at a reasonable price.
No it doesn't link straight to your forums, by entering your URL of www.rahstyles.net I get that awful splash page, what I suggest is until you find someone to create a 'cool' splash page get rid of the one that's there for now.

You seem very narrow minded with your views, what you must remember it's not what YOU like it's what OTHERS perceive.
And I'm a straight woman... and it has absolutely no relevance.. a bit like the splash page has no relevance to your site.
It does.. we have hott asian girls .. posting at our site. .. look.. u ever go to a car show? Why do they got hott girls posing next to the car? Its not porn... why do theu got bikini girls holding up the round signs in a boxing match... better yet... whats the cheerleaders for?
No it doesn't link straight to your forums, by entering your URL of www.rahstyles.net I get that awful splash page, what I suggest is until you find someone to create a 'cool' splash page get rid of the one that's there for now.

You seem very narrow minded with your views, what you must remember it's not what YOU like it's what OTHERS perceive.
And im shure others perceive like me... I guess my sites saying dont judge a book by its cover... cause u never know. . Im the nicest admin around once u get to know me and I let alot of stuff slide at my site then others would...
It does.. we have hott asian girls .. posting at our site. .. look.. u ever go to a car show? Why do they got hott girls posing next to the car? Its not porn... why do theu got bikini girls holding up the round signs in a boxing match... better yet... whats the cheerleaders for?

You clearly have no interest in being helped or even considering anything suggested to you, so I'm out.

You clearly have no interest in being helped or even considering anything suggested to you, so I'm out.
Well I apologize if im wasting my time in bed typing on my crappy cellpone replying to this thread and my thumbs hit the wrong keys at times
I'm a straight guy and I'm certainly not desperate to click on the "hot asian chick" to see what's inside. As I've said already, it looks to me like a porn site and so I left.

You really have no concept, do you? There will be people at work who may come across your site and will immediately have to go somewhere else as it looks like a porn site with the splash page and they certainly won't want their boss thinking they are surfing porn whilst in the office.

Quite frankly though this thread is a waste of time. It's supposed to be a critique for your site, letting others give you opinions on it and for you to take at least some of these on board. The overwhelming majority of posters in this thread say that YOU SHOULD GET RID OF THE SPLASH PAGE and have given you reasons why you should do so. Yet you've completely ignored this advice, in fact tried to tell everyone that they are wrong.

I'm with @Azhria Lilu, I'm out too.
Unfortunately people are judging your site by it's cover, you asked for feedback, you are getting it, the vast majority of us are agreeing on one aspect of your site that is letting it down right now, and that is your splash page. You may be a great guy and a super admin and your sites content may be top notch, the fact STILL remains your splash page needs to go, seriously it's letting you down regardless of how 'hot' that 'chick' is.
I'm a straight guy and I'm certainly not desperate to click on the "hot asian chick" to see what's inside. As I've said already, it looks to me like a porn site and so I left.

You really have no concept, do you? There will be people at work who may come across your site and will immediately have to go somewhere else as it looks like a porn site with the splash page and they certainly won't want their boss thinking they are surfing porn whilst in the office.

Quite frankly though this thread is a waste of time. It's supposed to be a critique for your site, letting others give you opinions on it and for you to take at least some of these on board. The overwhelming majority of posters in this thread say that YOU SHOULD GET RID OF THE SPLASH PAGE and have given you reasons why you should do so. Yet you've completely ignored this advice, in fact tried to tell everyone that they are wrong.

I'm with @Azhria Lilu, I'm out too.
I dont understand why when you give me criticism ur seem like your angry towards me.. almost like your yelling at me. Could u be a little nicer? I already told the reason why if u read up a little
Unfortunately people are judging your site by it's cover, you asked for feedback, you are getting it, the vast majority of us are agreeing on one aspect of your site that is letting it down right now, and that is your splash page. You may be a great guy and a super admin and your sites content may be top notch, the fact STILL remains your splash page needs to go, seriously it's letting you down regardless of how 'hot' that 'chick' is.
Yea but they dont have to yell or be rude about it.. I swear its liek they saw my splash page and they act like sombody robbed them on there or somthing
Yea but they dont have to yell or be rude about it.. I swear its liek they saw my splash page and they act like sombody robbed them on there or somthing
Because of your replies and your insistence not to listen to constructive criticism, so for the last time as I won't be posting on this thread any more in fear of saying something I shouldn't, heed the advice giving to you with reference to your splash page and remove it, until something better comes along or you use an addon like CTA Featured Threads & Portal.

Good luck!!
Well atleast out of all this commotion I got atleast 1 new sign up! Thanks david. Btw I think its a age thing.. im 29 and most of you are older than me. I like rap/hiphop and lean more towards that persona.. I wear fake lv out fits and yes I love my air force 1s and I roll down my window and bump my music a little louder then the average person
Because of your replies and your insistence not to listen to constructive criticism, so for the last time as I won't be posting on this thread any more in fear of saying something I shouldn't, heed the advice giving to you with reference to your splash page and remove it, until something better comes along or you use an addon like CTA Featured Threads & Portal.

Good luck!!
Thank you
I'm getting a bit of deja vu from this thread...

My advice to everyone is to either not get involved in protracted argument, or post your critique and move on.

The OP obviously has very strong opinions on how the site should look and is more interested in the showcase aspect of this forum, rather than the critique.
Here are my thoughts,

Could you tell me the pros of keeping the splash page? What does it bring to your site? I personally think it looks bad. My opinion on splash pages aside, the image itself just looks really bad. At least get something better if you're dead-set on having a splash page.

I have no idea what a "RAHSTYLES" is - probably could use a better domain name or maybe you can explain it to me a little bit.

When I get past the splash page, I'm met with very low res graphics and a pre-made skin with no real edits.

I really have no idea what your site is supposed to be conveying, and I think that's something you should probably work on the most. I've been on your site for a good 5 minutes now, and I'm still confused on what the random girl pictures have to do with the site or the splash page or what I'm even supposed to sign up to talk about on this site.

Good luck with the site, bud.
How about creating some logo. Not a complicated logo, just playing with font and color, probably with one or two light effect. Take "RASHSTYLE", change it's font type to something that suit to your themes. I see you use UI.X and Suerix, you can try to change the font color to something like this:

(some tagline)

Put some glow like you did before, save it as "JPEG" And don't forget to set the image size. Put it on the center, and you have a nice splash page.
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