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ragtek Newest/latest Posts Sidebar Block

  • Thread starter Thread starter ragtek
  • Start date Start date
Can users individually select how many items they can see from the block?
Can users select which forum they want to see items from?
Ragtek FrameWork 1.1.2 is the version I have installed

but when I try to install the new latest post addon I get this error


new framework version > 25 required
ragtek, can you check out these possible bugs?
  1. Plugin is displayed only when someone from the forum staff online.
  2. Plugin breaks XFR - Merge Double User Post.
ragtek, can you check out these possible bugs?
  1. Plugin is displayed only when someone from the forum stuff on line.
  2. Pluginbreaks XFR - Merge Double User Post.

I don't seem to have the same issue while my Staff is offline (I am assuming "stuff" mean "staff")
ragtek, can you check out these possible bugs?
  1. Plugin is displayed only when someone from the forum stuff on line.
  2. Pluginbreaks XFR - Merge Double User Post.

Hm, i think somebody had the first problem too, but i wasn't able to reproduce it.
once i'm in the office, i'll check both
Sure that you uploaded them to the right place?

Check the directory library\Ragtek\NPSBB.
Does it exist & contain 3 files?
I uploaded it on the Xenforo ACP Add on section. The framework from this thread, and then the sidebar. I uploaded them, extracted them, then downloaded each xml file to my xenforo add ons account.

I am used to uploading everything through my hosts FTP Client.

Complete novic to Xenforo, but motivated to learn the ins and outs.

Do I need to do anything through my FTP Client, or all through Xenforo.

Thank you.
You need to upload the library folder (from upload folder) and not the xml file!
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