XF 2.1 Quick question about widget location


Well-known member
What is the difference between:

Forum overview: Top
Forum overview: Bottom


Forum list: Above nodes
Forum list: Below nodes

I tried them, and they appear in the same places, but I know I am missing something. Thanks
I just tested in.

For the main forum index page, as far as I can tell there is no difference.

However, I wonder if it's more which pages the widget will appear on rather than the position on the page?
It appears to be a bug. They are the same but supposed to be different:

Forum overview: Top
A position that appears at the top of the forum overview wrapper used by the forum list and the forum "New posts" tab.
Forum overview: Bottom
A position that appears at the bottom of the forum overview wrapper below the content of the forum list and the forum "New posts" tab.

However, they do not appear in "New posts".
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Top Bottom