XF 1.5 question about nginx matching all strings for folder


Well-known member
Hey guys, I'm using @Liam W 's vanity urls plugin and I'm having an issue with urls. This plugin rewrites the url to a member's profile. It works fine, except for one user that has the term 'library' in his username (it's like 'library-gnome' or something like that). The url to his profile is broken. I've already run this by Liam, and he says:

Yeah, it looks like your nginx config is matching all strings beginning with library instead of just library.

which makes total sense to me. i'm looking at my conf file though and i'm not sure how to restrict it so this doesn't happen anymore. here's the portion of my nginx config as it looks right now:

       location / {
                try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$uri&$args;
                location /internal_data {
                        location ~ \.(data|html|php)$ {
                location /library {
                        location ~ \.(default|html|php|txt|xml)$ {
          location /data/taigachat/ {
               open_file_cache off;
               include /usr/local/nginx/conf/staticfiles.conf;

so i'm pretty sure i need to change the library portion somehow, but not sure how to do it. just wondering if anyone here has any ideas?
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