Queries for Node as Public Navigation block

Oblivion Knight

Well-known member
I've set up a category node with 4 forums as a new navigation item, however this seems to add 4 additional queries (presumably a query per forum?).

I don't know if queries are as much of a sore point as they used to be on cough other forum software, but thought I'd enquire. 🤓
It's not a query per node -- it's a fixed number of queries but it depends exactly on what you configure. For example, if you select a node and choose the include children option, then that's a query to get the directly selected node(s) and then one to get the children. Then we need to load all type-specific node data for the nodes we fetched, which means a query per node type being displayed (probably categories and forums in this case, thus two additional queries).

Note that these are essentially all primary key look ups.
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