XF 2.2 Only default sub nav links appear under new primary navigation tab


Active member
I haven't encountered this issue before...

When adding new Primary Navigation items via ACP -> Public Navigation, normally I create a new item and give it a unique Navigation ID, and then leave the "Parent Navigation Entry" blank if I want it to be a primary nav menu item. Then for each sub-nav link I select my new Primary item as the "parent navigation entry" and that creates a nice sub-nav menu.

The sub-nav menu is working fine, but normally there's also a p-sectionLinks row that shows a static version of the sub-nav links when that tab is currently active. It is a menu bar just below the main navigation bar.

However, when I click on any of the new links in my new public navigation tab, only the "default" sub-nav links show in this p-sectionLinks menu bar, i.e. "your profile" "log out" etc. It's like it's not recognizing the "active" tab when I click on one of my new navigation items.

Here is my custom "what's new" navigation item. Tab is not highlighted, and sub menu bar has not changed:

Whereas the as-yet-unchanged default "forums" tab works correctly:

Any ideas?
I also see this note in the docs:

The default top-level navigation items control important XenForo functionality, so while you may rename and reorder them, and reorganise their sub-navigation items, it is not advised that you should remove them or change their type.

I'm wondering if that has something to do with why I can't get the "active tab" functionality to work. It would be nice to know what this "important functionality" is...
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