Cannot reproduce Problem when import smiles on ACP


Affected version
2.0 final

When I export the smiles, in the XML file appears 'smilie_category id' , but when I want to import it again (obviously without deleting the category), by default, in the 'Smilie category' tab it appears in 'none', so they do not respect the category and I have to change the category manually, so I think that option does not work well, or maybe I do not know how to use it correctly.

This is a big problem to import large quantities of smiles, because I have to categorize them individually.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



    <smilie_category id="3" title="Customs" display_order="10"/>



    <smilie smilie_category_id="3" title="Smile" display_order="10" display_in_editor="1">



      <sprite_params w="22" h="22" x="0" y="0" bs="100%"/>





    <smilie smilie_category_id="3" title="Wink" display_order="20" display_in_editor="1">



      <sprite_params w="22" h="22" x="0" y="-176" bs="100%"/>





I have just attempted to reproduce this and I cannot.

I tried it with the category already existing, and with it not already existing.

I tried to reproduce the error and I could not reproduce it.

Thinking now, maybe it was because I exported smiles from the 'test forum' and imported them into 'live'.

It is possible that both forums had the same name of the category, but different ID, and that the error was that.

The ID is mostly just a point of reference within the file, really, as far as I can recall.

I will test that case, though, and report back.
Trying it the way I thought possible, I can't reproduce it again.

I don't know what happened that day, but I tried all the possible ways to solve it and finally I had to do it one by one :cry:.

A pity that I did not save the XML files of that day.

I just tried again with a few different approaches and still can't repro it. Never mind, if you do come across it again, let us know :)
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