XF 1.1 Problem in uploading avatars ( permission 600 )


Active member
one of my friend forum have a problem when user upload an avatar its upload it
but when he check the picture in the data folder
he found it have the permission 0600 not 0644 !!
and we talk with the host and they say the problem with the script >_< so how i can know if this problem from the script it self or the support guy don`t know how to solve it !!!

=( hope u got what i mean and sorry for my english ..
Do you have SSH access? If so, run the commands above. If not, you'll have to select all the files in the folder, and set their permissions (all read).

Did you say files default to 600 when uploaded?


If make this to give permissions to all read via command chmod * 644, Must working, But if there any new Avatars Upload, Also be make it again but this is not a solution to do it every time.
If a file is uploaded and it comes out as 0600, there are roughly two possibilities:
  1. Your host has set a bad umask for their configuration. You can try adding this to your library/config.php file:
    $config['chmodWritableValue'] = 0644;
  2. If this doesn't help, your host has disabled the chmod function (likely while also setting a bad umask). You'll need to contact them for help.
If a file is uploaded and it comes out as 0600, there are roughly two possibilities:
  1. Your host has set a bad umask for their configuration. You can try adding this to your library/config.php file:
    $config['chmodWritableValue'] = 0644;
  2. If this doesn't help, your host has disabled the chmod function (likely while also setting a bad umask). You'll need to contact them for help.

I've had the problem with my server in php.ini file. on disable_functions was added chmod function, it's Solved with me in this way while deleted chmod function and restart httpd.

Thank you Mike
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