Implemented Private Message Enhancments (starred)


Well-known member
Im not sure how the Personal conversations work, ok well i know how they work just have yet to see them in action so this may be a stupid request. But id love the ability to mark important PM's (Check Mark, Star) Im sure this could be an easy hack but its standard email functionality.. So why not make it standard on xF Private Conversations?
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Im not sure how the Personal conversations work, ok well i know how they work just have yet to see them in action so this may be a stupid request. But id love the ability to mark important PM's (Check Mark, Star) Im sure this could be an easy hack but its standard email functionality.. So why not make it standard on xF Private Conversations?

Great idea, this marking. That's why I suggested this:

Please [Like] that and add your idea to it, so your suggestion can be incorporated in that :cool:.
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