XF 2.1 Prevent Leaving Conversations


Is there a way within Xenforo permissions / settings to prevent people from leaving conversations?
Essentially i don't want anyone to have the ability to delete a conversation and given it appears to be managed through "leaving" i would like to remove that option?

I can't see a permission to manage this though?

If there is no permission or setting for this i could have a work around that involves just setting display: none to the css for that element, would this be the only option? (albeit not great).

Hi @Xon

Sorry for the late reply, i actually have your addon earmarked to buy soon.
I didn't see anything (or missed this bit) about preventing deleting conversations.

Can you explain how it works please?
When all participants leave / leave permanently where is the conversation? In a bin/trash folder somewhere?



I have just noticed that link took me to the XF1 version, when i look at the XF2 version i do see this statement:

Trash bin & rejoin deleted conversations. Allows users to rejoin a conversation they have left before it is permanently deleted when all users leave.

But it says before being permanently deleted, are you saying it can be set to prevent any deletion too?

It wasn't documented in the product description sorry. but it is the option "Prevent conversation hard-delete" with the explain text "Conversations do not get hard deleted once everyone leaves".

It looks hard deleted from the user's perspective; but it still exists.
That's great, I will see if I can get round to buying the add on tomorrow (well later) :)

Thank you.

Just out of curiosity, where would I be able see the deleted conversations?
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