Pre-Sales Questions


Active member

I'm trying to start a new forum site like many others here. I just have a couple of questions prior to purchasing your software.

1. What License package is recommended? I'm building a new site similar to and

2. Can I customize the site locally and then transport it to a hosted environment to save money on hosting while I'm developing? I know that answer is most likely, yes, but wanted to be sure since I'm mostly a .NET guy and not PHP.


There is only a single license type with optional official add-ons.

Yes, that's how I did it.
Not due to hosting costs, just because it was easier to work on it locally.

I'm running Windows 7 on my PC. Any recommendations on how to get a Dev environment setup?

Also, are the "Official" add-ons you mention able to be purchased later on after I buy the initial license?
So wait a sec...

This doesn't work with your latest version of xenForo? If not, then do you recommend downloading an older version and then upgrading at some point? I'm a little confused.

I would think that XenPorta 2 Pro would work well, as you can really go crazy and customize it to your needs on an online gaming site. Also, XenWord will work as well if you want to use Wordpress instead of Xenporta. I have used XenPorta 2 Pro, on my XenForo site, and you can really customize it to your hearts content.
Yeah, I've seen these addons but I'm still new to xenForo and PHP (more where the code is located depending on what I'm trying to accomplish) and one of the sites I really like in terms of what they have for features is
I'd change the style a bit, but I do like the icons they use for trophies and ranking people. Pretty good model IMHO.
I'm seeing if Audentio can help customize my site and I'm getting a logo made as well. Also, need to decide on a hosting solution that makes sense for the present and future.

Feel free to share your opinion on how I could accomplish all of this and with whom.
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