Potential Customer looking for advice..

Shane Greer

Active member
Hi Guys

As a long standing vB customer I have finally bitten the bullet and realized that vB is a bloated, waste of space that detracts from my enjoyment of running a forum. So last night I decided to have a look at the other products out there that could fill the niche of my websites forum once I decided to move on.

Xenforo got my vote and although I haven't purchased it yet (must wait until payday) I would like all the resources at hand so as soon as that day arrives in the near future I can get stuck straight in.

My website is www.thefewgoodmen.com

A relatively small vBulletin site with roughly 200 members and about 100k posts.

I will be looking to import my vB data into Xenforo and believe this can be done.

I sure would appreciate all and any advice from you folk. I am new to this and am looking to get myself up to pace pretty darn quick.

Some things you can help me with if you have the time...

How do I set up Xenforo?

How do I import my stuff from vBulletin?

How do I use Xenporta as a front page?

What mods do you recommend?

I know its a biggie asking all these questions but Im hoping someone has the time to reply and assist me.

Thankyou so much in advance.

Shane Greer
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