That definitely shouldn't happen, can you PM me admin CP and FTP details to take a look?
Try reuploading the PHP files and make sure your config.php does not contain the disableListeners setting
If that doesn't help, can you PM me admin CP and FTP details?
Pretty sure you got a bug in the software. Looking back the last 3 pages everyone else is have the same problem as me. In the middle of the install each time it basically crashes, even on the uninstall. At first I thought it had something to do with my server but I contacted them and explained the errors I was getting and they said everything was fine on their end. When I get to work today I'll PM you my info.
For some reason, I'm unable to allow guests to view guest ratings lists. When logged in, it works perfectly. For Unregistered, Unconfirmed, I've set [Post Ratings] View rating lists: to allow.
View attachment 103275
Any suggestions?
I have the same problem. No listeners disabled and I checked that the files were uploaded correctly. More precisely, copied, because this is happening on my mac laptop with ampps. The addon appears installed though but I'm not sure if something's missing because of this error.
Edit: I can confirm now that the addon is not installed correctly.
Confirmed, seems to be a regression here, will get this sorted for 1.7.2
Ensure that library/Dark/PostRating/Model/Post.php contains the function 'getPagedPostsPR' on line 6.
If it does, either there is another addon conflicting (unlikely) or some aggressive opcode caching keeping the old version of the file.
If not, you have not uploaded/copied the latest files
Either way, if the addon is showing version 1.7.1 and you are able to run the Recount Ratings process in the Admin CP without further errors, then you have nothing to worry about.
Hello Luke,
The function is present on the Post.php file. I have other addons disabled (it's a test board), I'm not aware of any caching system. As I said, this is a test board on my laptop running AMPPS (a MAMP stack) and the files has been copied several times. I even upgraded XenForo to the latest version available to me which is 1.4.2 IIRC.
The addon is definitively not installed correctly. The phrases are not created and I don't see it active on my board. Any ideas?
Edit: I was able to finish the installation. An alert was waiting for me in the admin panel reminding me to finish the addon installation and it went throughHowever, I think you should investigate that error, it shouldn't happen at all.
{xen:if "{xen:number $postrating_ratings_total.positive} > 4999", '<i class="fa fa-star two"></i>'}
<img src="styles/dark/ratings/{$}" alt="{$rating.title}" />
<i class="fa {$}"></i>
<i class="fa fa-check"></i>
@Luke Foreman, Is there a way to find how many ratings were received by a member in a month?
For example: How many 'informative' post ratings a member received in a month. This can help me run monthly contests.
Thanks in advance.
select username, count(*) as num_ratings from dark_postrating left join xf_user on xf_user.user_id = rated_user_id where rating=2 and date > unix_timestamp()-60*60*24*30 group by rated_user_id order by num_ratings desc limit 100
I'm trying to display an icon to users who have over a certain amount of ratings. Using the following in message_user_info template
Code:{xen:if "{xen:number $postrating_ratings_total.positive} > 4999", '<i class="fa fa-star two"></i>'}
That's not working though. Is something like this possible?
Has the option for users to rate their own content been added? I've searched and saw a post from 2013 saying it may be added back in - I'm currently using 1.6.5
It would be really nice if the "no notifications" Bug could be fixed in the next couple of days (or maybe you can give us a hint what we have to change in the files). My members are really complaining about it.
ThanksYou can do this with a mysql query, e.g.:
Please expand post to view the update instructions.
1.7.2 (01/05/2015):
- Added workaround for ‘getPagedPostsPR’ error on installation
- Fixed ‘view rating lists’ permission being forced to deny for guests
- Moved permissions to their own category and improved clarity of ‘delete ratings’ permission title. (Note you do not need to...
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