Post Ratings - taking likes to the next level [Deleted]

Im getting this error now from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1
The specified add-on is already installed. Please use the upgrade page if you would like to upgrade it.

Make sure you are applying the xml update by clicking on 'post ratings' in the addon list on the home page of your admin cp, rather than clicking 'install add-on'
@Luke Foreman latest version support XenForo Like System too now?

Nothing has changed and I have no plans to implement your feature request, as it is non-trivial and you are one of two people to have ever requested it. There is a difference between support and custom work.

Giving 1 star reviews talking about ethics will not help your case either
@Luke Foreman not sure if you can help or not as it may be the new theme update but worth a try.

I have installed the latest UI.X theme and now post rating when not visible still has a light blue box across the screen, this should only show when a like or rating is given.

Any idea?

@Luke Foreman any idea on this mate with new UI.X theme update
Ive just sorted it, sorry mate. The new theme has a new template called uix_thirdparty that's has code for a lot of the top mods including post rating. It has this code in it and I took it out and it worked straight away so must of been a small conflict with your css
.message .dark_postrating.likesSummary, .dark_postrating {
    margin: 0;
    min-height: 0;
    padding: 8px;
    @property "messageLikesSummary";
    color: @secondaryDark;
    background-color: @secondaryLighter;
    padding: @uix_gutterWidthSmall;
    margin-top: @uix_gutterWidthSmall;
    border: 1px solid rgb(221, 229, 234);
    border-radius: @uix_globalBorderRadius;
    @property "/messageLikesSummary";

.dark_postrating_outputlist {
    font-family: inherit;
    margin: 0;
    font-size: @uix_globalSmallFontSize;
    color: inherit;

.dark_postrating_outputlist li strong, .dark_postrating_thread_rating strong {color: inherit;}
Nothing has changed and I have no plans to implement your feature request, as it is non-trivial and you are one of two people to have ever requested it. There is a difference between support and custom work.

Giving 1 star reviews talking about ethics will not help your case either

Giving 1 star?

Well, this is not an immoral thing and everyone is free to leave any review. I already don't have a bad intent. If you respect other people's opinions, they will also respect your opinions. At least that always should be on your the human nature. Whatever, I removed my review from your resource now.

Kindly Regards,
Hi Luke Foreman
I totally agree with Eagle.
I was really excited about your add-on when I purchased it. I thought that I would manage to use both likes and ratings system at the same time. I tried to but it is clearly impossible.
XF Likes is a transveral and powerful function. I want to use it everywhere on my site, and use it to promote contents through widgets (most liked post, blogs etc). Post Ratings is for me a handsome but complementary ratings system.
Are you so sure that only 2 people have the same needs ?
If any solution can't be found, I am considering to uninstall Post Ratings.
Thank you for your help.
What exactly are people asking for?

You want Likes and Ratings to both exist side by side? Isn't that exactly the same as setting one of your ratings to "Like" and making that the "like" rating. You can style the buttons however you want if you want Like to look different to the other ratings.

Or am I missing something here?
Why are you not able to use the "Like" rating?

I don't understand the difference.
What exactly are people asking for?

I'm completely guessing here but I think they thought that Post Ratings wasn't an independent system but an extension of the built-in likes system.

For example we have the default XF Like and Post Ratings would allow us to add another Like function but this one could be named Agree, Disagree, Dislike, Winner, Genius, etc. But each new rating would be a part of the XF Like system and not an independent system.

The benefits of this is that it prevents duplication of the likes system and it would use the default XF likes display system across the board.
@Lone Wolf, @marremp2 fully agreed.

Post Rating add-on are awesome there is no problem but Post Rating Like system is very bad in my opinion. I mean, XenForo Like System better then Post Rating Like System. Look, not at all. I said, only "like" system. Others are ok. That's why I said this.

After install this add-on, it's possible to use the both system. People can use XenForo Like System, People can use other post rating System. It will two feature for our forums. But Post Rating "Like" system should removed or disabled. An option would be awesome this.

After remove or disable (option or etc.) Post Rating Like, XenForo Like System available to use.

XenForo Like System
X likes this
You, X, X likes this.
X, X, and X others likes this.

Post Rating Like System?
You can't see people who likes message. You cannot see them without click link. It's very bad. Why without click link? But other rating are awesome. There is no problem. However people want to see normal XenForo Likes System because you can see people who likes messages (below message area).

Don't forget to "Post Rating 'Like' System" is NOT "XenForo forums ideology".

@Sheldon I hope so, you understand now :)

Because XF like system has only one category/rating. So you can show names if there is only one type of rating but more than 1 category/rating it would be silly to show names. It would look like this...

John, Jack, Tom Like this. Mary, Jane, Sam think this is Genius. Eagle, Wolf, Tiger dislike this. Car, Truck, Bike think this is funny. House, Flat, Condo say bad spelling.

It would be too long, too confusing and pointless. The current display is a lot better and gives a good idea of what sort of post people think this is.

Most people think its funny or winner or dumb or genius. That works better than a list of names AND ratings.

Take some time to think about it.
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Post Rating Like System?
You can't see people who likes message. You cannot see them without click link. It's very bad. Why without click link? But other rating are awesome. There is no problem. However people want to see normal XenForo Likes System because you can see people who likes messages (below message area).

Don't forget to "Post Rating 'Like' System" is NOT "XenForo forums ideology".

@Sheldon I hope so, you understand now :)

No, I really don't understand.


That is still a like, no matter how you cut it. And it increases the XenForo "Like" total as well.
@Lone Wolf, that is correct but I think you can't understand totally what I said but no problem. You said "it would be too long, too confusing" etc. but not at all ratings. Other ratings are okay they should be the same. I said, only for removed or disabled Post Rating Like system. Not others. Everything will be the same. Only will possible to use XenForo Like System.

@Sheldon why the both system is not possible? If there is an option for that, we would use the both system. People can like a message or can rating a message. XenForo Like System always should be active. We still cannot this add-on on us forums. Because after install, XenForo like system disabled. Now you will said "no disable, it will just replace with Post Rating System". We don't want Post Rating "LIKE" system. We want to use only other ratings (dislike, helpful, etc.) after install add-on.
@Brogan we purchased the add-on almost 2 year ago and it's possible to use if install old versions, not problem but... It's not possible if install or upgrade to new/latest versions.
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