Possible to embed XF into a page & render just the thread view?


Well-known member
I'm about to launch my first XF forum (yey! only 1.5 years or so since I bought the license!) anyway, on the news site I want to allow people to comment on news stories by embedding XF into the page, but only the thread view - so under the new article you get the comments & then a reply box to post (if you're logged in).

Now, I've seen the page in the resource directory which describes how to intialise XF outside of the XF code & that's fine, but what I don't know how to do is render part of a page - i.e. the post bit etc..

Alternatively I could just get all the info out of the db & render it myself, but for consistency's sake, I'd rather used the inbuilt code if at all possible.
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