XF 1.4 Portal(sitemap)

I don't understand.

I can't see an option in the sitemap generation to automatically include an index page, there are only Nodes, Threads and Users. So it appears any other pages would need to be added manually in the Extra Sitemap URL box.

At least this is what happens with my sitemap.
Thanks, after downloading the sitemap I see that is the case.

I just looked at the available options of nodes, forums and users and assumed only those were included.
Hello I added my root homepage as extra url in the box and it was not added to the sitemap.

Xenforo is installed on mysite.com/forum/

Are only extra urls like /forum possible ?
Hello I added my root homepage as extra url in the box and it was not added to the sitemap.

Xenforo is installed on mysite.com/forum/

Are only extra urls like /forum possible ?

Sorry to bring this up again. When I was on VB with VBSeo, we had a sitemap where it was possible to have our homepage included.
Any chance the xenforo sitemap will add this option in future?
I heard it would not be idea to not have my homepage included in sitemap.

How are others handling this?

Thanks in advance
Thanks for your reply Brogan. Thing is, I do not want to use a portal add-on. I am not a friend of having to many add-ons.

The VBSeo sitemap was coded so that it was possible to add extra urls alhtough even they were not in the root where the forum software was installed.
Question is, any chance that we can get such a sitemap option from Xenforo?
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