Poll Enhancement

Poll Enhancement v1

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This is the first time I've inserted this much stuff into extra.css and had absolutely nothing happen lol. I'm scratching my head. I pasted into the extra.css of the correct template. Anybody have any ideas?
This is the first time I've inserted this much stuff into extra.css and had absolutely nothing happen lol. I'm scratching my head. I pasted into the extra.css of the correct template. Anybody have any ideas?

I have the same issue, I think it's 1.3.1, they might have changed the classes :(.
For some reason the ? was still showing on top of it. (Xenforo 1.5.5)

To fix this:

in polls.css

find: background: @primaryLighterStill;
replace with: background: url("@imagePath/xenforo/widgets/poll.png") no-repeat scroll 0 0;

in poll_block

find: <div class="questionMark">?</div>
replace with: <div class="questionMark"></div>
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