Fixed Phrases for Color Palette style properties not working


Well-known member
XenForo has phrases for the style properties of the color palette. For example

style_property_contentBackground_master = Content Background
style_property_contentBackground_description_master = Main page background color

However changing those phrases has no effect. Your phrases remain unchanged. You can change them manually via editing the color palette style property itself only.

This is the internal link for the Content Background property: admin.php?style-property-defs/contentbackground.1215/edit
On what page are you saying they're not displaying the updated version?

The edit page always displays the master version (same with options, admin navigation, and many other things).
It's on the edit page I have posted above and a search result in the quick search:

This is the original english version:

And this is my translated version:

This page is only available within the Master-Style. The contents of title and description don't change and the search result "Content Background" doesn't change either, even when you modified its phrase. I am not aware of any other pages where those phrases are used. So the questions is, if this is intended, what purpose do those phrases have?
Mike, I have found another weirdness not related to the phrase issue. When you search for "Content Width", you get this one search result:


Clicking at it brings you to the following page, but there is no such Content Width property:

Oh, now I see where those phrases from above are used. They are used in this overlay only:


(I guess you can get the "Not a bug" prefix ready :D)
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