PHPBB import possible ?


New member
I am ready to move forward, but is there way to import phpbb3 ?

I don't really mind if it's hard, just want to know if its possible and some insight as to what's the path ?
Not yet.
I'm waiting for one myself.

Currently only a vB 3.7/8 importer (official) exists, and a vB 4.0 importer written by a member.
Brogan, if the vb 4 isn't using a blog or cms it can use the built in importer. I imported my vb 4.0.8 forum night before last without the 4.0 addon. But mine was a suite NOT using either the blog or cms or social groups, etc. It was a plain forum.
Why don't you just get users to reset it?

Have a statement and send out an email telling everyone to make sure their emails are set correctly. And then remind them that they will have their passwords reset to their emails.

Either that or you can wait for a phpbb importer, but I can't see one till Gold is released.
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