XF 2.2 Photo of the Day

Graham Smith

Active member
Not sure if I'm doing this the right way, so I thought I'd ask the question amongst experts.

On our forum, we like to have something called 'Photo of the Day' on the homepage. At the moment, we have it configured as a 'Notice' and it appears on the home page, and shows a nice photo relevant to the content of our forum site, and it's changed every couple of days. It keeps people engaged, and the homepage fresh.

Our users send in the photos via e-mail, and when I select their image, I have a notice with the following code inside:

This is the caption for the photograph.
<br><IMG SRC="https://www.ourdomain.co.uk/path_to_the_photos/file.jpg">

Clearly the photo is stored on the server, and it makes it a PITA because I always have to upload the photo via our FTP client.

Is there an easier way of doing this, or am I just stuck with what I've been doing?

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