Pathetic Customer Support by HostGator

After reading so much ill about HostGator, even by the Xenforo Support team, I think i should move on to new Host

But i am unable to find a Good Host who is providing reseller alomng with migration support. :(
As long as it's a cPanel to cPanel migration (which HG uses), any host should be able to migrate the accounts for you. If it comes down to it, you can just make a full backup of each account and ask your new host to restore them. If they won't do that, you shouldn't be with that host in the first place.
Humm, but most of the recommended host like bluehost, softlayer etc are bluntly denying the migration.

KnownHost is agreeing to migration but I think they deal in VPS and above.
Last I checked, Bluehost does not use cPanel, so they will not do the migration, as it is a complete headache to migrate either to or from them. Not sure who is actually recommending them (you aren't using one of those "Top 10" sites that they pay to be on, right?), because they are a horrible host, and owned by EIG (Endurance International Group), which is the same company that owns Hostgator. Same support techs, same servers, etc. So if you're not happy with Hostgator, you are most definitely not going to be happy with Bluehost.

Softlayer, as far as I'm aware, do not provide managed services on their cloud or dedicated servers. So no, they aren't going to do it. No unmanaged provider is going to help you there.

You are correct about have to buy either a VPS or dedicated server with them.
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Reactions: DFI
Thanks for the clarification.

It seems that KnownHost should be my choice now. Hopin tthat managing VPS won't be a tough job as I would be completely new to that.
You're welcome!

Just as a head's up, you would need at a minimum their VPS-2 package ( with cPanel, which is another $5 I believe. While the VPS-1 will meet the cPanel minimum specs., you don't want me. 512mb of RAM is not fun on cPanel.

As far as managing the VPS from your perspective, there shouldn't be much difference really. You still get WHM/cPanel like you're used to with Hostgator. You will just have a few more added features, be able to restart services if they crash, etc. Knownhost should take care of the actual VPS itself, security updates, etc., so your experience shouldn't be much different than it is now.
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Reactions: DFI - 6GB RAM, 4vCPU, 30GB storage (possibly be able to obtain 60GB if you look around for a promotion). $7.00 month.

How about DreamHost? - 6GB RAM, 4vCPU, 30GB storage (possibly be able to obtain 60GB if you look around for a promotion). $7.00 month.

How about DreamHost?

Have dropped an email to cortexnetworks and Dreamhost too. Waiting for their reply.. .
Can confirm that Softlayer is completely unsupported/unmanaged. The last straw was when they demanded I migrate my old server to a new one, and offered zero help to do the migration. They lost a 7 year customer because of that. I'm on Surpass Hosting now.
They lost a 7 year customer because of that. I'm on Surpass Hosting now.

To be perfectly honest, they probably don't care. They were bought by IBM recently, and from everything I can gather, I think they'd like to kick the small fish out anyway, and concentrate on huge business operations. They have been going downhill anyway. I had a rack of servers with ThePlanet, and they were incredible. SoftLayer came in and I left within a month. Things just got stupid.
To be perfectly honest, they probably don't care. They were bought by IBM recently, and from everything I can gather, I think they'd like to kick the small fish out anyway, and concentrate on huge business operations. They have been going downhill anyway. I had a rack of servers with ThePlanet, and they were incredible. SoftLayer came in and I left within a month. Things just got stupid.
Yep. I started out on ServerMatrix, then it became The Planet, then SoftLayer.
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