XF 2.2 Parent node w/o category cannot have sub-nodes?


Well-known member
A parent node, say X cannot have sibling nodes Y and Z unless it belongs to a category of A, otherwise, all 3 will show up in the forum list and as separate nodes (even though Y and Z are under X).

I don't know if this is as designed, so tell me if so as then I can make a suggestion to change it. I'd like "Archive" to be a standalone node outside of categories at the bottom of the page, with sub-nodes that are categorized in the archive without taking up 100 lines.
Parent/child/sibling refer solely to the tree structure, so any 2 top level nodes are siblings for example.

The exact display is sort of a separate thing and what you're referring to and is intentional/expected. This is pretty much equivalent to how a top-level category displays, for example (separated from its siblings). Level1 forums don't have much difference in display style to level2 forums though.
So I need "Archive" in a category else all siblings "X event", "Y forum", and "Z stuff" will show up directly under "Archive" on forum_list?

As designed if not put in a category, but Archive is the parent:
X event
Y forum
Z stuff

If put into a category:
- Sub-forum (drop-down): X event, Y forum, Z stuff
If you don't want nodes to show up directly on the forum list page, you'd want them to be at the third level (so they'd show up in the sub-forums list, depending on your configuration of that). So yeah, you might want an "Archive" category with an "Archive" forum within it or something similar.

Otherwise, if you wanted to change the behavior, you might need to adjust how level1 forums render out via the templates.
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