XF 1.5 Page speed when thread has multiple Youtube embeds

Mr Lucky

Well-known member
Does anyone know a way to speed up page loads in xenforo when a thread has multiple Youtube embeds?

It may be worth noting my original question here was in regard to a YouTube embed via custom media bbcode. that is no longer necessary since auto embed of Youtube.
Pretty sure you weren't talking about embedding via custom media BB code here. XenForo has always automatically embedded YouTube.

So the solution of adding controls=2 is not really relevant anymore.
You are right that it isn't relevant anymore. That only applied before YouTube migrated to a HTML5 player by default. Prior to that it required Flash (🤢) and controls=2 would force the HTML5 player.

That would have been the crux of the performance issues at the time. In fact, I don't recall performance issues being brought up now for many years. Do pages still appear to load slowly if there are lots of embeds on a page?
Pretty sure you weren't talking about embedding via custom media BB code here. XenForo has always automatically embedded YouTube.

You are of course correct, I remember on xf1 I did use an addon custom media site for a while, that is what confused me
Do pages still appear to load slowly if there are lots of embeds on a page?

Since upgrading to xf2 I hadn't even thought about it . I can now see that after the upgrade the entire embed template changed so my edited controls=2 is not there, and no, nobody has complained about slow loading but I'll see if I can find a relevant thread with loads of videos to do some testing. Might be tricky to compare as I now have a much faster broadband these days.
That would have been the crux of the performance issues at the time. In fact, I don't recall performance issues being brought up now for many years. Do pages still appear to load slowly if there are lots of embeds on a page?
Some users on mobile (probably not high end device) have complained about this. Not a major problem because not many pages have many embeds on my board, just wanted to seize everything as much as possible :)
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