[OzzModz] Thread & Quick Reply Placeholders & Templates

[OzzModz] Thread & Quick Reply Placeholders & Templates 2.0.2 Patch Level 1

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Nope. Chrome is empty but if I inspect the browser it is there.

<textarea name="message_html" class="input js-editor u-jsOnly" data-xf-init="editor" data-original-name="message" data-buttons-remove="" style="height: 287px; display: none;" aria-label="Rich text box" placeholder="You are not permitted to post links here." data-preview-url="/forums/forum.1/thread-preview" id="_xfUid-2-1607975459" data-min-height="250" disabled="disabled"></textarea>
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Has to be a browser extension doing something. I just installed the latest Chrome on my laptop and the placeholder is showing for threads and reply.
Tested and no, that's not it.
Nope. Chrome is empty but if I inspect the browser it is there.

<textarea name="message_html" class="input js-editor u-jsOnly" data-xf-init="editor" data-original-name="message" data-buttons-remove="" style="height: 287px; display: none;" aria-label="Rich text box" placeholder="You are not permitted to post links here." data-preview-url="/forums/forum.1/thread-preview" id="_xfUid-2-1607975459" data-min-height="250" disabled="disabled"></textarea>
I think it's this disabled="disabled" code in Chrome, because that is not in Edge.
<textarea name="message_html" class="input js-editor u-jsOnly" data-xf-init="editor" data-original-name="message" data-buttons-remove="" style="height: 287px; display: none;" aria-label="Rich text box" placeholder="You are not permitted to post links here." data-preview-url="/forums/forum.1/thread-preview" id="_xfUid-2-1607977858" data-min-height="250"></textarea>
Suggestion: Please have the text wrap on small screens. My prompt is truncated with the (...) and cannot be viewed in full.
I found a bug. BBcode is showing on the public side for Placeholders, but in admin, you offer the full editor and the words are bold properly.

If BBcode is not supposed to work, that should be a text box.
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Ozzy47 updated [OzzModz] Thread & Quick Reply Placeholders & Templates with a new update entry:

[OzzModz] Thread & Quick Reply Placeholders & Templates for XenForo 2.1+ Update 2.0.2

Changed: Thread and quick reply placeholder imputs in the ACP from a editor to textarea. Placeholders don't support bbcode so no need to have a editor.
Changed: two phrases. Thread Prompts = Thread Template and Quick reply prompt = Quick reply template
Changed: Placeholder to show the full text on smaller devices instead of being truncated.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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