XF 1.4 Overlay Sub-Headings


Well-known member
How can I make some of the overlays that use the heading styling for the sub-heading use the sub-heading styling instead?

So, for example, one of the areas it's like this is the multi-quote overlay. How can I make the "Drag messages..." sub-heading be the same style as the sub-heading on the Moderation Actions overlay (Moderator, Action, Date)?

KHF Overlay 1.webp KHF Overlay 2.webp

Hope this makes sense.
Thanks, Brogan.

I figured it out while I was working on our framework. All this time I had been making the heading and sub-headings the same background color for consistency reasons, and I just figured out that was the cause of the "issue."
@Brogan, I don't remember if this is how @mike406 did it on KH-Flare 2014, but I just wanted to let you know I got it "fixed."

Since it's a conscious choice to have headings and sub-headings be the same color and whatnot, I simply changed this:

<h3 class="subHeading multiQuoteDragHeading">{xen:phrase drag_messages_to_rearrange_for_quoting}</h3>

To this in the thread_multi_quote_overlay template:

<h3 class="sectionFooter multiQuoteDragHeading">{xen:phrase drag_messages_to_rearrange_for_quoting}</h3>

And I can just do the same for other areas like that. From looking at it further, the Moderator Actions one--the gray bar in my OP's second screenshot--uses primaryContent for its class, so I really can just use anything that's not a header-type styling. :)

KHF Drag.webp
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