XF 2.2 Ordering stickies without addons?


Well-known member
Is there a way to have stickies appear in a certain order without using an addon?

I tried doing (1) (2) etc at the start of the thread title, but that didn't seem to work.
I have a few forums with those kinds of stickies (rules or info about posting etc). As those stickies often don’t need replies, I just keep them closed and sort by changing the date.


(I just moved the fundraising thread to the top)

Granted this won’t work for open threads but in many cases it’s a decent workaround.

You can change the date in database, using temporarily a date change addon or just bumping yoursel if it’s just moving one to the top.
Is there a way to have stickies appear in a certain order without using an addon?

I tried doing (1) (2) etc at the start of the thread title, but that didn't seem to work.

I have the same quest. You could go into the SQL database and change the dates. Be careful in the DB, make a backup first, you can easily brick the forum.
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