XF 2.1 How to setup a promotion for "Submit content without approval" from NO to YES?

When a user creates an account and submits their first thread, I want to be able to manually approve it.

After approving it manually once, I then want those users to be able to submit threads automatically, without approval needed.

I've tried setting a User Group Promotion for this - but not sure as to the correct settings? In "Registered" group, I've set "Submit content without approval" to NO and then created another "Registered #2" group with "Submit content without approval" to YES.

But in the User Group Promotions settings, there doesn't seem a straightforward way to move users from Group #1 to Group #2, or at least I'm unable to find it. Can anybody point me in the right direction?

Are you sure you set the submit content permission in the registered user group to no and not to never?

Use the permissions analyser on an affected member to determine how the final value is being set.
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