OpenLS vs Litespeed Enterprise or Nginx

I stand corrected!

I have now seen one test that shows NGINX as faster than OpenLiteSpeed. Thanks for bringing that to my attention, @RoldanLT. The test is a little old, but I think it's newer than the benchmark I posted. I don't know how we never heard about this... We need new benchmarks!


FYI, those linked benchmarks I did are my Centmin Mod's source compiled and custom out of box settings configured Nginx vs h2o vs OLS. So it ain't exactly a stock distro package installed Nginx you're comparing against :) Plan is to eventually have Apache 2.4 + PHP-FPM, OpenLiteSpeed and h2o integrated into Centmin Mod LEMP (nginx) stack as one happy family hence the benchmark testing :D One shell based menu to create a vhost will then be able to create matching apache, ols, nginx and h2o respective vhost config files so a site can pick and choose which server they want to run from.
Off topic question: is there any LSWS 5 final ETA? Would a cPanel plugin/update be available at the same time as the final version would go live? If I have cPanel right now, can I still install RC3 without breaking anything?

I'm expecting (hoping?) for LSWS 5 by the end of the month. There'll be a little delay for downloading it through the WHM Plugin (as there always is). If you want to upgrade right now, just use the lsup script: /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/ -f -v 5.0RC3

After you've upgraded, you should be able to downgrade and re-upgrade through the WHM Plugin. (Confirmation @MattW?)

just raw test
Nginx + Memcached + opcache

Litespeed Standard + Memcached + opcache


may be we need to tweek config for better speed

The page load time of nginx is around 20% faster.

It is very good to get a full view of the end user experience and this is what the test you did is for. But you want to decide between the webservers nginx and OLS. Their core function is to return a web page request. So I would test how fast these two webservers return a webserver request. You might find this information on the tab "Timeline" in your test.

There are other factors that will hugely influence the time the end user needs to wait until he sees the web page like DNS lookup, javascripts mentioned within the html code that stops the browser from displaying the page, etc. Your test is very good for these factors.
I use the CentmindMod web stack and here are my results:

Nginx 1.7.12
PHP-Fpm 5.6.7 (Memcached + Zend Opcache)
MariaDB 10.0.17


I've tried Open Litespeed, LAMP, and now CentminMod stack and right now - I'm seeing significant results using my current setup versus Open Litespeed and a LAMP web stack.
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