OneSignal - Did anyone notice this?


Well-known member
I was curios and checking out OneSignal for another project when I noticed this.

Screen Shot 2018-09-04 at 6.21.11 PM.webp

Did anyone of you using OneSignal notice this and are concerned about using it on your forum?
You get what you pay for....

Whether we like it or not, we have currently only the choice of paying a huge amount of money for ending out high volume of messages or basically selling your users data to someone else.

The latter one is legally not allowed without the written consent of your users according to GDPR.
OneSignal is not optimal, because of its data sales and because of the buggy integration. But its the best we have. Hopefully an integration with a better PUSH solution will come along. that will allow us to pay for PUSH.
Did anyone of you using OneSignal notice this and are concerned about using it on your forum?

Yep, I have other mobile apps that use it and we make it well known that data is being trafficked. I think it's always been the case. Having said that not many affordable alternatives, firebase is still sketchy for push and the other more indie players are lacking in tooling and adoption from what I've read. I believe OS offers a paid private alternative.
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