XF 2.1 One-click upgrades and add-on install/upgrade from ZIP files

And here we are, already at the penultimate entry in our "Have you seen...?" series for XF 2.1. If you haven't seen the previous entries about what's coming in XF 2.1, check them out here.

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A few questions as I read it:
  • Is this system available via XF CLI? [Edit: Already answered]
  • Will the special API key be visible (optionally, regeneratable in case of any compromise) in the customer area to copy and use in a workflow that involves cURL, wget, or any other tool like that, without the need of supplying usual customer area credentials?
  • Does the installer only support zip files or other formats such as tar.gz too?
  • Are there any future plans to support some well-known remote locations (such as XFRM endpoints, Git repos, and archive file URLs etc.) with our without credentials, especially via CLI?
Will the special API key be visible (optionally, regeneratable in case of any compromise) in the customer area to copy and use in a workflow that involves cURL, wget, or any other tool like that, without the need of supplying usual customer area credentials?
We’d handle that on a case by case basis via ticket support at the moment.

Does the installer only support zip files or other formats such as tar.gz too?
Only zip files as that’s the only officially supported way of creating an add on release (via our existing add on build tools)

Are there any future plans to support some well-known remote locations (such as XFRM endpoints, Git repos, and archive file URLs etc.) with our without credentials, especially via CLI?
Not at this time.
XF2 requires writable php files which are executed on every page load. Without it, you can't change any style properties, styles, phrases or navigation bar changes.
XF2 definitly does not require the Webserver/PHP process running the XF2 code to have write access to any file (except for temporary files).
Looks amazing! I’m excited to see what the last features are going to be! I’m also excited to do the upgrade and am already saving for my license upgrade next February! Keep up the amazing work guys!
Very nice, definitely something that will help with all the upgrades and such. Such a tedious process this will save so much time.

For those curious about TH Install and Upgrade, we had guessed this would be added at some point. We built the product as we needed a solution today, something that worked with Resource Managers, etc. The most difficult part of our add-on was getting the official add-ons from XenForo.com, so this will remove that complication, reduce labor, etc. Now we can focus on simply RMs and ideally we can integrate with third-party developers that want to have their products auto-installed, either free or paid add-ons. If XenForo adds this, we need a system for ThemeHouse products anyway to allow for a clean install to handle our authentication of license ownership and updates. We'd love to have the product work with @Xon , @Snog, @AndyB , @Ehren @Bob, XRM product, @DragonByte Tech etc. as I think they all either use a custom shop or a variation on the RM.

Our add-on is free, Im fine unbranding it as TH or whatever the XF third-party developers want so we can have a single system for installing and maintaining all themes/add-ons either official or unofficial in a clean and organized way. Ultimately I just want to save time upgrading and installing add-ons, so thats the mission of the product. Its already been amazing for me, but itd be golden if we got all the main third-party developers on board.

Can discuss this in a different place, but yeah with XenForo adding this to the core, just add the ability to add paid third-party add-ons and we're not dragging files ever (almost) again!
@Mike Creuzer definitely would be interested for an unbranded version which was hosted on github or something. It has been on my to-do list to investigate it, but I haven't had a chance yet.

(I use XRM product for XF1, but looking to upgrade at some stage)
@Mike Creuzer I've been talking to @Jake B. and @Lukas W. about integrating DBTech with I&U, I'm currently writing API extensions to DragonByte eCommerce that'll allow this to happen :)

After 2.1 is released I'll be looking to make API support in DragonByte eCommerce official, so any other addon developer using it to power their store will be able to integrate with I&U easier.

@Mike Creuzer I've been talking to @Jake B. and @Lukas W. about integrating DBTech with I&U, I'm currently writing API extensions to DragonByte eCommerce that'll allow this to happen :)

After 2.1 is released I'll be looking to make API support in DragonByte eCommerce official, so any other addon developer using it to power their store will be able to integrate with I&U easier.


Ah, goody. I won't have to do it myself :)
but also allow any number of testing installs, provided they are clearly test installs, password protected, etc -- previously, our agreement only allowed one
Thank you for this - it's a huge help when testing different configurations and different add-ons when contemplating major changes to a forum to be able to run more than one test license so you can simultaneously compare and contrast.

I know that I've asked ahead of time "it is OK if I run multiple test/backup copies" just to be safe, now I don't have to ask anymore...
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